Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hey Ho

So it's off the Abilify I go. There is nothing like being able to find the perfect medication and suddenly your head swells. With shooting pains, no less. And a weight gain of 25 lbs in 6 months. My shrink recommended no replacement, so I am faced with a less-calm fall. It's really been lovely, hasn't it?

It is lovely and cool crisp outside, and I stretch under the stars when I take Max out. The unicorn meat eating cats are on an even more restricted diet for skin and stomach: fairy meat. Sure, I hate to grind them up for the cats consumption, they are very cute. But I have to do what I have to do. Georgia's fur falls out in little, teeny tuffs, and Minkins throws up everywhere. Of course, I will still refer to them as the unicorn meat eating cats...why break tradition now?

Due to unforeseen circumstances, my therapy group will not meet for a month. I feel lost already. It's just lucky that we all talk by phone together, anyway.

I go off the Abilify just as my social calender picks up. I do not want to become paranoid again. Or drink or cut. I am so sad at the change. I feel tranquil right now, and would like to stay that way. But, I am also much busier this fall than last. Perhaps that will make a difference.

I feel lonely for you and wait patiently on Facebook for you to wake.

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