Saturday, July 13, 2013

Slow Days, Rainy Days

I'll keep this post short, as I know you have things to do on the weekend. I toss off my angst today. I will not be a part of it. I have done what I could to fix the problem and now, my side of the street is clean. Over. I am glad I have a program.

So, you might notice that I am up about 4 hours before dawn again. Even Minkins is asleep, right now. I get more sleep than I did a few days ago, but still wake at night, and write. It seems natural to do so. I can give you my undivided attention.

A random picture, to cheer us both:

Of course, it one of the New Adventurers. I miss them but there is something indescribably peaceful about a house with older cats...Ratty and Minkins are about 16, and Georgia is 5. I have a new shipment of unicorn meat for them, but I will let them sleep.

It is the rainiest July on record in this smallish corner of the world, and we are awash in water. It falls from the skies, and runs along the ground. It pops up out of nowhere. Sometimes there is thunder and lightning and sometimes there is not. It is always torrential. None of the whiny spitting kind of rain. Sometimes, I can hear it as it beats against the cat window, which is the only window of my apartment. Sometimes, it is silent and beats the grass and the flowers down. It steams from the ground, and collects on my glasses. It drips from my hair, and my face and wets my shoulders...

In four days, I will go to a neurologist, to find out about the lumps that come up on my head, and give me headaches. Perhaps I will get some answers, or he will just pass me on to the immunologist. Maybe both. I am not afraid. I hold that as an option. But I can't see the future, and I have done all the guessing I am going to do. With PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) the problems with my immune system are quirky. It could be anything.

Minkins is up now. He purrs at me and tries to catch my fingers, typing. I hope that it gets no more earth-shaking than that, today.  If it doesn't rain today, and it is supposed to, I will mow the lawn. It's one of my favorite ways to occupy my time. I will also suck up some of the cat/dog hair around the apartment. It looks like the Pond will stay a pond this year...don't get me started. I will weed around the flowers.

I hope your day is just as relaxing.

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