Saturday, August 10, 2013

Field at Night

I find I cannot write without coffee. I can't even claim it's even close to's just after midnight. But it's the time to write and I have had several hours sleep. It's odd being up at this time. The dog and the cats are awake, and run from room to room.

No more chocolate in the house, as I told you yesterday. Only some yogurt and walnuts, of course I've had some...what are you thinking? But nothing like the binge eating.

All the animals had their flea treatments yesterday. It's oily, and it's dropped between the shoulders so they can't lick it off. The feeling makes them slink around like a bunch of angry ferrets. Wet, angry ferrets. But everything is better than fleas, including their hurt feelings. They'll get over it. And if this attitude seems callous to you, you didn't have a flea season like we did, last year. Nothing is worth washing the bedsheets everyday, because it's Their bedding, and vacuuming, vacuuming.

While the cats eat expensively, and act like wet, angry ferrets, the dog just looks sorry for himself, and licks his lips. The only dog I know who, when he farts, it scares him. He jumps up, and looks at the floor like the sensations come from there. He then tucks his butt in, and moves as far away from the farting section of the floor as he can. I really don't know if the cats fart. They regularly let me, nay insist, that I inspect their butts, but they have never hit me with a blast at the same time. And of course, yours truly doesn't fart. EVER.

Now the company has settled in for some sleep, and Minkins warms his toes by the laptop. Georgia is asleep in the laundry basket.
Can you tell he's awake?

Today is the day for mowing the lawn, although not the field. The field is never mowed. I enjoy mowing on the riding mower. I once thought riding mowers were the height of foppery, but have to admit since trying one, that I can't get enough. Like riding a tractor, or the front loader, in the old days, sitting in the seat and bumbling about in circles, in the sun, is a very contemplative way to spend the day.

Take a deep breath. Starting Monday, I am foster to 2 small grey and white kittens. Well, not so small, they have been fixed. It's up to me to find homes for them, so be sure you will get lots of pictures.

Tonight, let us go to the field to say goodbye. It's never wise to enter the forest at night time. The forest belongs to itself and the Other, after dark. The crickets are loud, and I hear a train song in the distance. The vastness above is hidden by clouds, and it is a warm, still, foggy night. The flowers are small sculptures in this field. There is no light, although the moon would be hazy, if it were out. There is a small light from our hands, that pick out the grasses standing like armies at rest.

We are in fall, but the temperatures have gone back to summer in this odd year, for a while. It doesn't matter to the sun. The sun doesn't lie. The skies blaze with light during the day, but as the dark hastens in, fall comes closer. The sound of autumn calls from the leaves of the trees, and the trees have started a slow hum. Soon, everything will be gold and riotous living, and we will drink from the stream to each others' health. In the distance, a small light gleams, and a lamp is lit for our return.

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