Thursday, November 28, 2013


I am blown away this morning by the amount of people who "shared" my post yesterday. It both humbles and inspires, which is a good way to start the day of Thanks. I will not shop today for Christmas gifts, and I urge you to protest in your own way, as well.

Yesterday, the wind howled and the snow blew, but I took Max, the dog out for his walk anyway. About an hour later, poor Max had a seizure, two actually, back to back. He is recuperating today, and slept well. He assures me that turkey will set him straight.

Today, I will cook some and eat less, and visit friends, and be grateful for my life, and all that it encompasses.

The water is frozen this morning in the cat bowl outside. The grass is stiff in its winter gold and green, and the trees darken with the rain and snow. Somewhere, turkeys roam the wood on the edge of the field. The evergreens shine with ice in the new sun, and the field is golden. There is not a breath of wind, today. The heart of the wood is soft with fallen, rust colored needles, and warm, moist breath hangs in the air.

Today is 'Thankful for the Harvest' day, really. I am not sure that there is a better celebration of the Earth, than to just be thankful for another harvest. I am happy to come from a line of farmers, and to know the meaning of a successful season. I will step on the ground today, probably to walk the dog, in some meaningful way, and thank it for bearing for me. I will eat its apples and sweet potatoes, and green beans with celebration. I will be grateful for bread and its crumbs, and the sweet, tart deliciousness of cranberries.

Believe me, the coffee is particularly good today, and the water tastes refreshing...

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